Reference Horses
The senior stallion at Genesis is Lasodo+//,  he is the sire of many of the Sale Horses. He has won 14 National Championships in the US and Canada; over 30+regional championships; USDF All Breed Awards and has sired 3 National Champions thus far.  He is also the sire of many Legion Award winners including Illusion GA++//, Illuminada+, Le Imbrie+, Levado+, Lasodo’s Leopold++/.
Lasodo+// is trained to the FEI International Level I in dressage.

This page contains reference information for many of the horses  which Genesis offers for sale or breeding. Knowing more about a horse’s ancestors and pedigree can be helpful in determining their potential  for performance or breeding.


Lea Repport

Lea Repport is the sire of  Lasodo+//. 
Some of Lea Repport’s accomplishements include: 
1979 Canadian National Championships Top Ten Stallion Halter
Regional and class A Champion Stallion Halter
Sire of:     La Lalique, Scottsdale Top Ten Mare
           US Top Ten Western JOTR - Anticipassion
           US Top Ten Open Jumper - Bold-N-Bay
           US Top Ten - RW  Jasmine (grand-sire)

Barnaby++ , sire of Magic Nites, one of our foundation mares , grandsire of Illusion GA++//, Magic Moment GA, Lasodo’s Magic Image and Zodiac Magic.

Zodiac Matador  (*Bask x RO Fanciray)

Sire of Zodiac Magic

Matador is arguably the most successful Bask son at stud…"During the period of Pinnacle ownership and management, Matador had the highest percentage of National Winners in the history of the Arabian breed!"

(Arax x Trapecia)
Champion Russian Race Horse
Imported to USA, *Tamerlan set records on the Russian race track that have never been broken. You may recognize his name from other pedigrees like *Kadraj NA and Padron Psyche. *Tamerlan is a son of the immortal Arax, imported from Poland to Russia in 1958. Arax was the leading sire at Tersk for the ten years that he stood there. Arax is sired by Amurath-Sahib, known as the "Sire of great Broodmares". *Tamerlan is out of the classic Pomerantesdaughter, Trapecia. The unique and rare pedigree of *Tamerlan brings together the three traits that every breeder seeks-correct structure, refinement 
and athletic ability.  Noted broodmare sire. 
Grand-sire of  the  following horses at Genesis: 
Borodino GA, Balanchine GA, Lasara GA; 
great-grandsire of Savanaa GA.


Negatiw PASB/RASB    X    Lagodna PASB/RASB
     Gr Tersk 1945                Gr Jablonka 1939

*Naborr's true-life story is more fascinating than fiction. *Naborr (registered as Nabor in Russia and Poland) was bred by the Tersk Stud in Russia and born on April 13, 1950. *Naborr was Reserve National Champion at the All-Union Agricultural Fair in Moscow (an all-breed event) in 1954, second only to his sire, Negatiw, who was Champion. *Naborr was sold to Poland in 1955 and became Chief Sire of the Michalow State Stud, siring 61 offspring. His daughters became prized broodmares in the Polish breeding program.
American breeder Anne McCormick of Scottsdale, Arizona, was determined to buy *Naborr from Poland even though he was not for sale. *Naborr was sold to Mrs. McCormick in 1963, only after Poland acquired his sire, Negatiw, from Russia.  *Naborr crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 1963 on the same ship with *Bask++ and 13 other precious Polish Arabians on a 44-day voyage of violent storms at sea. While at the McCormick ranch, *Naborr sired 79 foals. *Naborr was never offered for public stud while owned by her.  Upon her death, the terms of Mrs. McCormick's estate demanded that all the horses be sold at public auction.
*Naborr set a world record in 1969, when he was sold for $150,000 at age 19 to Tom Chauncey at the McCormick Dispersal Auction. *Naborr did not stand at public stud in the United States until he was 19 years old. *Naborr sired 365 foals in the United States, with more than 125 sons and daughters amassing well over 1,200 Championships, Reserve Championships, Top Tens, and Top Fives. Among these Championships are 72 U.S. National Championships and 57 Canadian National Championships. *Naborr son, *Aramus, was U.S. and Canadian National Champion Stallion, as well as U.S. National Champion Formal Driving and Canadian National Champion Park. *Naborr daughter, *Dornaba, was U.S. and Canadian National Champion Mare, in the same year. The *Naborr son, Riffle, was U.S. and Canadian National Champion Formal Driving, and also U.S. National Champion Formal Combination.
*Naborr sired two sons who were to become Champions at the Salon du Cheval in Paris: *Dardir, who was International Champion Stallion in 1973, and Kaborr+++, who was Champion Stallion of Europe in 1979.
*Naborr offspring have won at least one Championship in 42 different states, Canada and the District of Columbia.
Among the first ten stallions to receive the coveted Legion of Supreme Merit (+++), two are *Naborr sons: Kaborr+++ and The Phoenician+++.

Wayne Newton co-owned *Naborr with Tom Chauncey for two years and took him to the 1970 U.S. Nationals in Oklahoma City, where *Naborr was presented as one of the ten Living Legend Stallions.  The *Naborr son, *Aramus, was Wayne Newton's lifetime horse and, upon his untimely death in 1976, the ranch was renamed Wayne Newton's Aramus Arabians. Professor Oleg Balakshin, Head of the Horse Breeding Department of the Ministry of Agriculture in Russia, visited *Naborr at Tom Chauncey Arabians in 1976 when he was 26 years old and had not seen him since 1955 when he left Russia. *Naborr died on November 9, 1977, but he will be forever remembered. In October of 1978, Tom Chauncey said, "*Naborr will be greater a hundred years from now than he is today. Those bloodlines are going to be there."

El Shaklan (Shaker el Masri x *Estopa), 1975 -2001
 The epitome of classic, Arabian type.
Superb mare producer.
Sire of sires.
El Shaklan sired National, International, European and World Champions in Europe, United States and South America.

1977: International Junior Champion Stallion & Supreme Reserve Champion Stallion (Vlimmeren)

1977: Junior Champion Stallion & National Reserve Champion Stallion (Great Britain)

1977: European Junior Champion Stallion (Paris)

1978: National Junior Champion Stallion (Germany) & International Reserve Champion Stallion (Hamburg)

1978: International Champion Stallion (Ascot)

1981: European Champion Stallion & World Reserve Champion Stallion (Paris)

1982: Pacific Slope Champion Stallion (USA)

1983: Top Ten National Champion Stallion (USA)

1984: Top Ten National Champion Stallion (Canada)

1985: Top Ten All-Arabian Show (Scottsdale)

1985: Top Ten National Champion Stallion (Scottsdale)

1986: National Champion Stallion (Brazil)

Grandsire of Lasodo ShaklanHorses_for_Sale.htmlHorses_for_Sale.htmlshapeimage_12_link_0
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